Rothschild, 1933; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (10) 11 (62) (14) Automolis columbiana, sp. n. M.-Differs from semicostalis Rothsch. in the much more velvety black of the fore wings, in the much wider oblique white subapical band of the fore wing, · in the white of the costa being much produced and joined to the subapical band, and in the apical half of abdomen being golden-orange. The head is also NOT yellow but golden-orange. F.-Larger and has anal segment black, and the preceding four segments have · the yellow more or less marked and broken with black. Fore wing, M 18 mm., F 21 mm. Expanse, M 41 mm., F 47 mm. Hab. 1 M, 1 F Bella Vista, W. Columbia, Aug. 1927.